Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tilework in upstairs bathroom

This is the upstairs bathtub. The tile work is in progress.

It is coming along slowly but surely!

We bought these "custom-made" cabinets at the Re-Store in Wake. The problem with custom, is that they were custom for someone elses kitchen. If I needed cabinets over the refrigerator and then a cabinet next to it, these cabinets were just the opposite. That is one thing I would do different if I had to do it again. Pro: well made, solid wood cabinets. Con: You better have a great carpenter to cut off and make cabinets where needed. Speaking of carpenters, here are mine.

Joe and Rex are GREAT carpenters if you can get them to show up and work. They are as nice as can be but love to drink, and I'm not talking about soda. They are worth more than I am paying but my money is running out quick. I guess our agreed upon price makes them feel they can show when they want to. Gotta love though!!!