Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Blessings of Children

Cara is our daughter and the youngest. She and Nik just got married a few months ago and now live in Carlsbad, California. Nik is a Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton. I can't say thank you enough to him and all our military for their service to our country. A special thank you to their wives and families for their part too, many hours, days, and months away from the ones they love. What a sacrifice for you too. They have a new puppy, Ludo, who we will soon be meeting. Oh boy!! We love you both!!

Robert is our son and oldest child. He and Nicolette are married and recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary. They live in Chicago, Illinois with their dog, Bruno and their cat, Linus. At 28 years old, he got married and went back to college. He also works full time. Nicolette works very hard as the Guest Services Manager at an upscale hotel in downtown Chicago. We are so very proud of you both and love you.

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